Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Big House Is Complete

I'm not going to text much here, since everything that I want to show or talk about is in this video. Hmmmm well today I'm going to show you a look around the big house I've sort of finish in The Sims 3. To prevent heavy/more text and lesser explanation using pictures/screenshot, I decide to do a video instead. Since it's only once in a while, I guess it's alright.

When you look at the house you should have notice that it's more like an rectangle instead of a square, haha my bad.. Made a mistake while talking about it.. Was rushing it so...yeah.......

I'm not sure if it's in HD format or not. Anyways Merry Christmas. I hope you've enjoy your day. Let's go out again, before a new year begin! 

The End

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