Thursday, October 11, 2012

No Story, Just Talks

Firstly I would like to start saying my appreciation for Enn's time to help draw out the JEEPP clothing/T-shirt. It's beautiful and I love the design, better keep it saved so as next time it will be real and not on a planning sheet.

Haven't been gaming lately and it's kinda odd to feel that there's little much to do except studying or revising (in a better term). Though I would make use of some free time visiting the blog and start a short post about anything I would want to share, and so on. Well besides gaming, I would like to learn more about other things and get a little experience points in different things.

There's no story or any updates from my post today... Basically the same old routine I have daily. So I'm just here sharing you my thoughts and ehmmmm me??? Haha.

Oh yea before school reopen previously , I did some video recording but didn't do any editing yet because it was a last minute work, and I might just delete it off since the video would be kinda old when the holidays has arrived. Yea it's game, haha if you expected what the video would be, you guess it right!!!

By the way, do you guys dream about the holidays like I do?? Wow, all those freedom, is like unspeakable!!!! Haha... Eh....Kinda too much.

Oh well it's late. I should be sleeping now. Right, I'll catch you guys soon and hope you had a great day everyday no matter where you are!! Keep fighting for what you want to achieve and believe it, cause I believed in YOU!!!

The End

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