Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Ellusion's Veggie Moment

I got pretty excited when I thought of blogging and was kinda in the mood to eat my dinner veggie only, so I thought of "hey why not let just do this"... Do what?? Videoing!!

Before I decided to do a video.. I was taking pictures!! So it got my attention to do a video and that's how it all begin. By the way.. I felt kinda eerie (haha not sure spell right or not) So I didn't finished it.. At least I ate half of it and my mum kept the bowl haha.. 

This is my first try.. and my last!! I prefer drinking the soya bean ^^

Right the video, the thumbnail you see before you click play is my first try.. I've always wanted to do that so yea.. I manged to do it and it's a success!! 


It's not a virus haha you can trust me.. I don't do that to friends!!

Hope you like the link as well as I do.. Enjoy your day tomorrow and I hope to hear more from you guys.. Don't leave me in black!! Haha kk.. Bye for now


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