Episode 10 : Hulky's Death
The family was bored with the food they eat daily, and so Banana Crusher went to the bookstore one day and bought a recipe book.. And here we have the Stuffed Turkey!! Hmm.. Looks yummy for the Sims.. Arg.. In the end I made them ate salad instead haha...
Right this is seriously serious and I have no more death flower to spare for Mr.Grim.R so HULKY is finally dead due to old age!! Oww man he died right after he finish work.. Well at least he achieve his lifetime dream and happiness.
After accepting Mr.Grim.R death orders!!??! He jump right in his tomb. I hope he had a good life down there as it was up here.!!
So this vampy adult was so scare that he fainted on the spot and kinda fell asleep?!?!? Los only he could have done that! Well that's for the coward trait. Haha the trait does that and it's interesting that they actually faint!
So now the Rainbow Family has another tomb at their backyard.. Babycakes Lovelands and Hulky Green will be able to accompany each other when they are bored right?? Hmm.. still.. sad and depressed!
Here we have Junior Green moaning his father tomb. I feel sad for Junior to lose his dad. Well time will heal and I hope Hulky would bless the Rainbow Family.
On the other hand, Benni Green (Hulky's Wife) was as sad as Junior, went to the fourth level to play her piano after such depressing moment had occur in her life.
Now for a much happier thing!! Cucumber went on a date with Joann McLendon .. Hmm not sure I got his girlfriend surname right haha. Oh well I know her name is Joann and that's for sure.. Well Cucmber had a couple of date with Joann and things are so not smoothly sometimes.. Because she's a hard one! los, right we will see about that!!
That's is all for today episode and I'm sorry for not posting any updates on the Rainbow Family. Pretty much been busy and yesterday I took the time to play the Sims 3 since I remember I haven't been updating it a lot since the last part and I don't wish to leave the story half way.. I want to end the story with a appropriate ending and so that I don't have any regrets. Not sure how the episode is going to move on. But be assure that it has not ended just yet!
I hope you guys enjoy today Episode 10 : Hulky's death and boy oh boy when that happen in my game.. I assure you that the whole family was really depressed and my game seems to be so sad that IT SEEMS SO REAL IN MY HEAD!! DANG I need ward 9 (METAL WARD) haha well I hope things turn out find after a while. Right, I'll end here and catch you guys later.. See ya
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