Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I've Transform

Hey guys, I've been playing maple for the last 2 days, haha so I had spend some time learning the controls and key once more. Since my account has been block (sort of) I couldn't use my account haha. Don't ask me why!! (it's nothing serious. seriously)

Today, when I was playing maple I was traveling around the world once more to see what had change so I was walking walking, fighting fighting..into a teleportion and then I saw this haha.

Haha I saw my name!! I've transform to this thingy hhaa. I was surprise los cause it's my first time! haha.. Well that's actually what I want to share for today! Haha it was funny when I saw it. When I click on it, haha it say something. My goddness will be back or something los, couldn't remember haha. I'm new okay so I didn't know about her!

Alright, that's all for now and I'll see you guys soon! Adios Amigos

The End

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