Thursday, April 12, 2012

share my day today~!

today is thursday so my day in school is like 9hours!

so starting of the lesson, teacher is teaching... really getting boring~
and my friend fell asleep and i wanted to video it down!
haha! her head keep tilting make me wanna record down!
and i did it!
you can hear my snort in the ending~ HAHA

when i stop the video is when i start laughing out loud! HAHA cannot take it!
the whole class was so quiet listening to teacher talking,
suddenly i laugh, then my the other friend beside me was laughing too,
but her laughter make me wanna laugh more!

so in the end, my friend was awoke by my huge laughter from the start! haha:D


yeah next, around 5pm, i went to poop.. cannot take it le, after lunch break around 2plus the sai on ass , stomache aint feeling fine? hahas~
so i went down with my friend to toilet, freaking toilets doesnt have paper roll!
beside the gym, theres a toilet too but no ROLL also!
as beside the girl toilet is the man's toilet,
i saw there the toilet roll FULL OF PAPER!
i was going in to take! told my friend guard outside,
and then just A GUY WALK COME! dunno from where pop out ?!!
DAMN, we're CAUGHT! LOL, i faster walk off, lucky never go in just outside abit!
HAHAHA laugh all the way thro.. sure he thinks we are pervert or crazy!
hahaha!  the guy quite good looking~ i really lose face liao! haha

so yeah, have to go elsewhere find toilet that have ROLL~

yeap thats today! and im back home~
so how;s everyone? blog here more often too! wanna know about your days~

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