Friday, April 15, 2011


Hi guys, I'm bored, actually not bored.. I guess I'm just having werid mood swing.... Haven been really me, recently ( I think ).. Oh ya by the way this is for

JOEY TAY.. I'm sorry about yesterday.. Didn't went home with you.. I know you asked me many times and I rejected.. I'm sorry but I feel bad just leaving my friends like that, just like leaving you from my the other friend.. Sorry I know they are just a bunch a boys and such, but I just really feel bad, its like ditching someone.... I know what I did was wrong to you too. But I thought since you have so many friends with you accopanying you, I thought maybe I should go with my friends instead, I'm really sorry if this really make you upsets. You can say me anything through the comments, I don't mind, cause I knew its was my fault too.

Next, I'm sorry ENN NG, about the message you send to me in the evening. I know, I'm an idiot replying you see first.. What the hell was I thinking, replying you with SEE FIRST..?? I know you had plan for the day (tomorrow) but I'll let you know next morning, when I feel like a complete Eliza Wong with the motivation to agree with you like a ELiza WOng...

Feel so restless.. God, I'm like completely ignore you guys so much, make me feel like I shouldn't even have friends like you guys..

Oh well....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joey here,
its ok to not go home with me. u can just tell me that u don't want to go home with me, cause u say if u haven 5min reach atm then i go first, means u reach at atm within 5min u go home wif me. i don't need my ite frends to accompany me, i put jeep in the FIRST..

And its ok that u are with your ite frens.
and maybe miss ang call you or your study stressful make u mood swing, i can understand.
CHEERUP eliza.