Yesterday night, I decided to play back The Sims 3, after figuring what I should play when my emulator games aren't working for me. So before I start my game, I decided to update all my mods that I used for my game, since there was a patch for The Sims 3.
Alright so when all of that is done. I gave myself a time limit to play the game, but that never went well. Haha, it's The Sims game, you never play for just an hour. NEVER. Anyways, I'm here to share with you a bit of my progress with the game.
I shall start with an introduction to my Sims Family then. I started this family in April 2014, and decided to continue the same family since there was only Hope Lake (only member of the household) at first. Then I decided to adopt 5 kids for her even though she has a trait Dislike Children. But currently, I've only adopted 3 kids at the moment since I needed Simoleons
(§)!! HAHA. (I'm not using cheats!!) Well since she dislike kids so much, this was one way to make her life interesting haha, but well I send all her children to boarding school as to imagine a way that she wanted to have kids but hated them, so to avoid serious conflict in the family, she send them to boarding school. So that when they mature and are ready to be back home, they can be a happier family!
Anyways the picture above is to show you guys a bit of my game and well a website I found called
fotor and with this website I can create a collage! FOR FREE!! YES.. ITS FREE! So I recommend you guys to check it out if you like to create collage. Well I know the collage up there isn't amazing, so don't stare at it too hard.
Okay, I'll end here.