Friday, October 4, 2013

A Trip To Bugis - 6 July 2013

Welcome back!! I've finally managed to get myself to edit the video trip we went during 6 July 2013. The video we took when we first wore our Monster University clothing. Anyways, I only finished editing the video based on the trip. The other crazy flexibility video we did, I haven started just yet. Haha. It takes a while for me to try and figure out, how I want to compile them together though.

Right then, the video.

Hope you enjoy your time watching this short clip. (Took me hours!! But I enjoyed it). Till then, we shall meet again.

*Edited (10.24PM)

Hey welcome back, I just finished uploading the video to YouTube and now I can present you the JEEP's Stretching video!! HAHA... So I've finally completed my long promise!!

Hope you enjoy the second video too!! Till then, we shall meet again!!