Saturday, June 29, 2013

How Do You Like The New Theme?

The previous blog theme we had, has run into several problems that I just couldn't take it and can't do anything about it. Why? Cause I don't know, WHY!!

Problem faced

  1. The font issue for the dates is small. 
  2. Certain links could not work at the right hand side.
  3. All of the sudden, background image disappear.
So now, let me tell you something. I spend a few hours designing a theme using a software. Well, the same software I used for the previous theme. It turns out pretty good, I actually like it more then the previous time I did it. Here's the outcome.

It's simple and manageable. Feels lively and pump up isn't it? But sadly. I had problems applying the skin/theme. It was all messed up, the background was missing and well let's just say, I only saw words cause most of the things are also missing.

Well, since it fail. I tried using the default blogger template and customize it.
So now what you are seeing, is all done by using the default blogger template!! I use the background that I've created and apply to it. WA-LA!! Job done.. So how you like it? 

Anyways, I would like to update the previous part of the post I made and well tell you what happen during our MOVIE DAY!! 

J.E.E.P went to catch a movie called Monster University. It was nice to see some characters from Monster Inc that is in the movie. 

The movie ended and we were planning to head back home. But what do you know!! We came across a shop that happens to promote Monster University by selling clothing.. YUP, you guess it right. WE FREAKING HELL BOUGHT IT. 4 sets of the same. Each of us are going to sparkle!! I just know it. HAHA. 

We will be wearing it one day and I will upload the pictures here!! That's all for now and I will see you next time.

The End

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tomorrow Is MOVIE DAY

We are going to catch a movie tomorrow, and before that... I would like to say WELCOME BACK TO BLOGGING to................................. myself.. Haha..I didn't had any idea or what you called...... Hmm.......(ah yes!) Inspiration to type anything on the blog........ That's why during my two weeks break, I didn't even had anything posted here.. Eh.. at least there is a video update!!

Anyways, we JEEP are going to catch a movie tomorrow and I hope that we can get seats for the show... HAHA lucky I managed to get things done today before tomorrow comes!! If not, I would have piles of work to do.

So what about you guys? Watch any movies recently? Seems to me that, there's quite a lot of good movies out there. So be sure to catch at least one movie with your friends. Alright?.....Alright then.

I will see ya soon.. TOMORROW..


Thursday, June 20, 2013

18 - 19 June 2013

I've uploaded the video and now I'm really to post it. Not going to type much here!!

The End