A little update on what's going on.
Today which is 9 Dec 2013, is my first day of examination. It's going to last for 3 consecutive days and then the holidays will be here!! Ah, though you must be wondering why do I still have the time to blog now and not when I was free before the examination.
Well, for this 3 days my examination starts in the late afternoon and I usually wake up way earlier to start preparing for stuff that's needed since I have a coupled of hours before the examination starts.
Most of you might be thinking, "you should study a bit more, since you still got the time to do so", well I did study a bit, but I was starting to get confused to the things I've practices enough with, and I don't wish to go on any further to messed up my brain........
So with today being the first day of examination, I still have about 2 more days to go and then I'm off to take a break. Well....actually I have lots of things to do during this short period of break that I have. Got projects to work on, assignment to get ready, group presentation to finish and a reflection log to be done. With all this school stuff/work to do, I pretty much want to finish them up within a week,, so that I could get ready for "STEAM WINTER SALES" and also there the Christmas gathering with JEEP (if we are actually going to have it).
So, pretty much it will be quite a busy month for me and so....
Anyways, I will see you guys next time. So take care and enjoyed your day. All the best to you.
The End